Monday, July 9, 2007

Visualizing in Humanities

July 09 -07

Amazing how technology has made the dichotomous key so much faster and effective! With so much information now available to a single student, the ability to "mine" the data will give students access to so much information. It will no longer be the recall of factual information but the ability to find the facts that will make you "smart"!

The big fear here is the potential abuse of these new tools by persons not yet identified. If lurkers, pedophiles, terrorists, etc. can find out everything about a person, then there is so much damage that can be inflicted on that person. You've had a messy divorce and have moved away to start a new life and suddenly, the ex shows up at the door...

Thanks Stan for a most informative presentation. Sharing cutting edge material is a rare trait but should be something that we professionals aspire to - open source!!

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